Scripture: Jesus stopped . . . and questioned him, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Luke 18:40-41).
Today’s Thought: You can create new opportunities for yourself at work by asking your boss for input regarding your work. If your boss is satisfied with your current effort and output, ask for greater responsibility. Review your work plan with your boss and ask for help in focusing on the most important priorities. Make sure that you’re not spending time on work that isn’t essential.
In additional, ask how you can help your boss with his or her job. Surprisingly, many supervisors are hesitant to ask for help with their own responsibilities, and most will appreciate the gesture.
Develop the habit of asking how you can help, and you’ll help to boost your career.
A man’s pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor (Proverbs 29:23).
Develop the habit of asking how you can help, and you’ll help to boost your career.