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Anchor 1

Do you ever see a problem at work, but choose to remain quiet?

Scripture: When he is a witness, whether he has seen or otherwise known, if he does not tell it, them he will bear his guilt (Leviticus 5:1).

Today’s Thought: A restaurant employee observed a cook who was ignoring health department rules in violation of a clear management directive. He chose to say nothing, allowing the unsanitary practice to continue. When the health inspector made an unannounced visit, the violation was discovered and the restaurant was cited and placed on probation, resulting in a rash of unwanted publicity.

When we see a problem in our company or believe that a customer is unsatisfied, we have a duty to make the matter known. We might prefer to avoid the trouble of bringing it up, or perhaps we secretly desire to see a colleague fail, or we may be afraid of being wrong. Nevertheless, our loyalty must be to protect the interest of our employer. Speak up!

A false witness will perish, but the man who listens to the truth will speak forever (Proverbs 21:28).

Our loyalty must be to protect the interest of our employer! Speak up!


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