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Do you make and keep firm deadline commitments to your boss?

Scripture: Then the king said to me, . . . “How long will your journey be, and when will you return?” So it pleased the king to send me, and I gave him a definite time (Nehemiah 2:6).

Today’s Thought: When Nehemiah went to the king and asked to be allowed to go rebuild Jerusalem, he didn’t say “I’ll be done when I’m done” or “I’ll be back when I get around to it.” Instead, he promised to finish and return by a specific date.

When your boss gives you an assignment or asks for a report, he or she has every right to expect you to make and keep your deadline commitments. Make sure you understand the project assigned, commit to following through, and then deliver. Establish a practice of meeting or exceeding your boss’s expectations.

If you make and kepp firm commitments, your boss will appreciate your reliability and will promote you to greater responsibility.

Fear the LORD and the king, my son, and do not join with the rebellious (Proverbs 24;21 NIV).

Make and keep firm commitments.


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