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Anchor 1

How do you deal with unproductive employees in your business?

Scripture: Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit (John 15:2).

Today’s Thought: We have a responsibility to establish clear standards for the quality and quantity of work we expect from our staff. If an individual’s work is not up to par, we must seek to correct the deficiency.

Start by monitoring job performance, praising good work, and identifying areas of weakness. If someone’s performance is unacceptable, explain the improvements that are needed. If poor quality work continues, issue a written warning, detailing what must be corrected. Ask the employee how you can help them to improve.

If the problem still persists, dismiss the employee. Chances are that the person is not well suited for the job and would continue to struggle no matter what. Focus on building productivity and your business will bear fruit.

Why is there a price in the hand of a fool to buy wisdom, when he has no sense? (Proverbs 17:16)

If an individual’s work is not up to par, seek to correct the deficiency.


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