Scripture: Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgement (John 7:24).
Today’s Thought: Before saying yes to a job offer, answer the following questions:
Does the firm have a good reputation in the market? Is management honest and forthright?
Do you understand and agree with the company’s mission statement? Are you excited about the firm’s products or services?
How well with you fit in? A “free spirit” may not mesh well with an old-line conservative company. Even if your skills and experience perfectly match the job description, you are likely to become unhappy if you don’t fit well with the corporate culture.
Finding the right job involves careful consideration of every aspect of a company and how well they correspond with your skills, experience, interests, and personality. Look before you leap and you will enhance your prospects for long-term success on the job.
How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding (Proverbs 3:13).
Look before you leap and you will enhance your prospects for long-term success on the job.