Scripture: Then the king said to the wise men who understood the times… (Esther 1:13).
Today’s Thought: The times they are a changin’, and so must our perspectives on business. When selecting individuals to hire or promote, first determine whether they understand the current business climate in every respect. Choose only those people who already understand the marketplace, your competitors, and how to attract and keep new customers.
A great interview question to ask candidates is ,”What was the most important lesson you learned on each of the jobs you’ve held over the past ten years?” Look for answers that demonstrate a willingness to learn, an ability to adapt, and a desire to grow.
Ask questions that reveal the person’s knowledge and competency regarding important issues that will affect the job, such as technology, marketing trends, or current employment law.
Selecting staff members who understand the times and can adjust to a changing business climate may be the difference between growing successfully and being left in the dust.
Like an archer who wounds everyone, so is he who hires a fool or who hires those who pass by (Proverbs 26:10).
Look for answers that demonstrate a willingness to learn, an ability to adopt, and a desire to grow.